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Novice to 10th Kyu (Blue belt)
 Chudan oi-zuki
 Age uke
 Soto uke
 Gedan barai
 Mae geri chudan
Kata 型
 No Kata is required at this level
Kumite 組手
 No Kumite is required at this level
10th Kyu to 9th Kyu (Orange Belt)
 Jodan oi-zuki
 Chudan oi-zuki
 Age uke
 Soto uke
 Uchi uke
 Gedan barai
 Mae geri chudan and jodan
Kata 型
 Taikyoku shodan (kihon kata)
Kumite 組手
 Gohon kumite (5-step attack) – Jodan, chudan and mae geri only (age uke, soto uke, gedan barai) – Once.
Examiners look predominantly for correct basic form
9th Kyu to 8th Kyu (Red Belt)
Kihon 基本
To be performed forwards and backwards as defined by the lead examiner.
 Jodan oi-zuki
 Chudan oi-zuki
 Age uke
 Soto uke
 Uchi uke
 Gedan barai
 Shuto uke (kokutsu dachi)
 Mae geri jodan
 Mae geri chudan
Kata 型
 Heian shodan (own time)
Kumite 組手
 Gohon Kumite (5-step attack) – Jodan, chudan and mae geri (age uke, soto uke, gedan barai) – full speed.
Examiners look predominantly for correct basic form and the use of the hip rotation and timing
8th Kyu to 7th Kyu (Yellow Belt)
Kihon 基本
To be performed forwards and backwards as defined by the lead examiner.
 Jodan oi-zuki
 Chudan oi-zuki
 Age uke
 Soto uke
 Uchi uke
 Gedan barai
 Shuto uke (kokutsu dachi)
 Mae geri chudan
 Yoko geri keage (kiba dachi)
Kata 型
 Heian Shodan (full speed and power)
 Heian Nidan (full speed and power)
Kumite 組手
 Gohon Kumite (5-step attack) – Jodan, chudan, (age uke, soto uke) – full speed.
Examiners look predominantly for correct basic form.
7th Kyu to 6th Kyu (Green Belt)
Kihon 基本
To be performed forwards and backwards as defined by the lead examiner.
 Jodan oi-zuki
 Chudan oi-zuki
 Age uke, gyaku zuki
 Soto uke, gyaku zuki
 Uchi uke, gyaku zuki
 Gedan barai, gyaku zuki
 Shuto uke (kokutsu dachi)
 Mae ren geri (jodan and chudan)
 Yoko geri keage (kiba dachi)
 Yoko geri kekomi (kiba dachi)
Kata 型
 Heian Nidan (full speed and power)
 Heian Sandan (full speed and power)
Kumite 組手
 Kihon Ippon Kumite (1-step attack) – Jodan, chudan, (age uke, soto uke) – full speed left and right sides
Examiners look for correct pivoting of the hips during renzoku waza and clear grasp of the hand techniques
6th Kyu to 5th Kyu (Purple Belt)
Kihon 基本
To be performed forwards and backwards as defined by the lead examiner.
 Sanbon zuki
 Gyaku zuki
 Age uke, gyaku zuki
 Soto uke, gyaku zuki
 Uchi uke, gyaku zuki
 Gedan barai, gyaku zuki
 Shuto uke (kokutsu dachi)
 Mae geri, gyaku zuki
 Yoko geri keage (kiba dachi)
 Yoko geri kekomi (kiba dachi)
 Mawashi geri
Kata 型
 Heian Sandan (full speed and power)
 Heian Yondan (full speed and power)
Kumite 組手
 Kihon Ippon Kumite (1-step attack) – Jodan, chudan, mae geri (age uke, soto uke, gedan barai) – full speed left and right sides
Examiners look for correct pivoting of the hips during renzoku waza and clear grasp of the hand techniques
5th Kyu to 4th Kyu (Purple/white Belt)
Kihon 基本
To be performed forwards and backwards as defined by lead examiner.
 Sanbon zuki
 Gyaku zuki
 Age uke, gyaku zuki
 Soto uke, gyaku zuki
 Uchi uke, gyaku zuki
 Gedan barai, gyaku zuki
 Shuto uke (kokutsu dachi), shihon nukite
 Mae geri, gyaku zuki
 Yoko geri keage (kiba dachi)
 Yoko geri kekomi (kiba dachi)
 Mawashi geri
Kata 型
 Heian Yondan (full speed and power)
 Heian Godan (full speed and power)
Kumite 組手
 Kihon Ippon Kumite (1-step attack) – Jodan, chudan, mae geri (age uke, soto uke, gedan barai) – full speed left and right sides
Examiners look for appropriate degree of strength and sharpness of execution in each technique (in Kihon, Kata and Kumite)
4th Kyu to 3rd Kyu (Brown Belt)
Kihon 基本
To be performed forwards and backwards as defined by lead examiner.
 Mae geri, sanbon zuki
 Gyaku zuki
 Uraken uchi
 Age uke, uraken uchi, gyaku zuki
 Soto uke, yoko enpi uchi (kiba dachi)
 Uchi uke, kizami zuki, gyaku zuki
 Gedan barai, gyaku zuki, gedan barai
 Shuto uke (kokutsu dachi), kizami mae geri, shihon nukite
 Mae geri, gyaku zuki
 Yoko geri keage (kiba dachi)
 Yoko geri kekomi (kiba dachi)
 Mawashi geri, gyaku zuki
Kata 型
 Tekki shodan (plus any previous Kata of lead examiners choice, all full speed and power)
 Kihon ippon kumite (1-step attack) – Jodan, chudan, mae geri, yoko geri kekomi attacks on left and right sides (age uke, gyaku zuki, soto uke, gyaku zuki, uchi uke, gyaku zuki, gedan barai gyaku zuki) – full speed. With tai sabaki left and right sides.
Examiners look for appropriate degree of strength and sharpness of execution in each technique (in Kihon, Kata and Kumite)
3rd Kyu to 2nd Kyu (Brown one white stripe Belt)
Kihon 基本
To be performed forwards and backwards as defined by lead examiner.
 Mae geri, sanbon zuki
 Jodan uraken uchi
 Gyaku zuki
 Age uke, mae geri (land back), gyaku zuki
 Soto uke, yoko enpi uchi, uraken uchi (kiba dachi)
 Uchi uke, kizami zuki, gyaku zuki
 Gedan barai, gyaku zuki, gedan barai
 Shuto uke (kokutsu dachi), shihon nukite
 Mae geri, gyaku zuki
 Yoko geri keage (kiba dachi)
 Yoko geri kekomi (kiba dachi)
 Mawashi geri, uraken uchi
Kata 型
 Sentei Kata – Bassai Dai, Kanku Dai, Enpi, Jion (students choice of any one of these plus any other syllabus Kata of lead examiners choice)
Kumite 組手
 Jiyu-ippon kumite (1-step attack) – Jodan, chudan, mae geri, yoko geri, mawashi attacks on left and right sides. Defences are students’ choice – full speed. With tai sabaki.
Examiners look for appropriate degree of strength and sharpness of execution in each technique (in Kihon, Kata and Kumite)
2nd Kyu to 1st Kyu (Brown two white stripes Belt)
Kihon 基本
To be performed forwards and backwards as defined by lead examiner.
 Mae geri, sanbon zuki
 Jodan shuto uchi
 Gyaku zuki
 Age uke, mae geri (land back), gyaku zuki, gedan barai
 Soto uke, yoko enpi uchi, uraken uchi (kiba dachi)
 Uchi uke, kizami zuki, gyaku zuki
 Gedan barai, gyaku zuki, gedan barai
 Shuto uke (kokutsu Dachi), kizami mae geri, shihon nukite
 Mae geri, gyaku zuki
 Yoko geri Keage (kiba dachi)
 Yoko geri Kekomi (zenkutsu dachi)
 Mawashi geri, uraken, gyaku zuki
 Ushiro geri
Kata 型
 Sentei Kata – Bassai Dai, Kanku Dai, Enpi, Jion (students choice of any one of these plus any other syllabus Kata of lead examiners choice)
 Jiyu-ippon kumite (1-step attack) – Jodan, chudan, mae geri, yoko geri, mawashi attacks on left and right sides. Defences are students’ choice – full speed. With tai sabaki.
Examiners look for ease and naturalness of movement and execution of techniques. They also look for speedy Kime and for smooth, instantaneous, dynamic elasticity of delivery
Sho Dan (Black Belt)
Kihon 基本
To be performed forwards and backwards as defined by lead examiner.
 Kizami zuki, oi-zuki, gyaku zuki
 Gyaku zuki
 Jodan shuto uchi, yoko shuto uchi (same arm)
 Age uke, mae geri, gyaku zuki
 Soto uke, yoko enpi (kiba dachi), uraken uchi, gyaku zuki
 Uchi uke (kokutsu dachi), kizami zuki, gyaku zuki
 Shuto uke, kizami mawashi geri, shihon nukite
 Mae geri ren geri (chudan/jodan)
 Yoko geri keage, kekomi (alternate feet)
 Mawashi geri, uraken, gyaku zuki
 Ura mawashi geri. gyaku zuki
 Ushiro geri, uraken uchi, gyaku zuki
Kata 型
 Compulsory Kata of Bassai Dai
 Students choice of one of the following Kata - Kanku Dai, Enpi, Jion, Hangetsu (at full speed and power)
Kumite 組手
 Jiyu-ippon kumite (1-step attack) – Jodan, chudan, mae geri, yoko geri kekomi, mawashi and ushiro geri attacks on left and right sides. Defences are students’ choice – full speed. With tai sabaki.
 Jiyu kumite as directed by examiners
Examiners test for basic understanding and functional ability in the foundational techniques of Karate
Ni Dan (Black Belt)
Kihon 基本
To be performed forwards and backwards as defined by lead examiner.
 Kizami zuki, sanbon zuki (free kamae)
 Age uke, mae geri, gyaku zuki, gedan Barai
 Age uke, soto uke (same arm), gyaku zuki
 Gedan Barai (backwards), oi zuki, gyaku zuki
 Soto uke, yoko enpi (kiba dachi), Kekomi, uraken uchi, gyaku zuki
 Uchi uke (kokutsu dachi), kizami zuki, gyaku zuki
 Shuto uke, kizami mawashi geri, shihon nukite
 Mae geri, oi-zuki (free kamae)
 Yoko geri keage, yoko geri kekomi (alternate feet)
 Ura mawashi geri, gyaku zuki
 Mawashi geri, uraken, oi zuki (free kamae)
 Yoko geri Kekomi, gyaku zuki (free kamae)
Kata 型
 Students choice of one advanced Shotokan Kata (above Bassai Dai) (Full speed and power) – can include Junro Kata
 Examiners choice of any one previous syllabus Kata (Full speed and power)
Kumite 組手
 Jiyu Kumite as directed by examiners
Examiners test for understanding and proficiency in the foundational techniques of Karate
San Dan (Black Belt)
Kihon 基本
Any techniques at discretion of lead examiner. Also to include:
 Kizami zuki gyaku zuki choku zuki oi zuki gyaku zuki (gohon renzoku oi komi – 5 tsuki one step plus yori ashi)
 Age enpi (kokutsu dachi), yoko enpi (kiba dachi), mawashi enpi (zenkutsu dachi)
 Age uke, soto uke (same arm), gyaku zuki
 Uchi uke (kokutsu dachi), kizami zuki, gyaku zuki
 Age uke (backwards), mawashi geri, uraken uchi, oi-zuki
 Mae geri oi zuki, mawashi geri uraken, ushiro geri gyaku zuki.
 Mae geri, yoko geri kekomi, mawashi geri, gyaku zuki
 Mae geri, yoko geri kekomi, ushiro geri (stationary)
Kata 型
 Students choice of one advanced Shotokan Kata (above Bassai Dai) – Bunkai demonstrations will be asked (full speed and power) – can include Junro Kata
 Examiners choice of any one previous syllabus Kata (full speed and power)
Kumite 組手
 Jiyu Kumite as directed by examiners
Examiners test for understanding and proficiency in the standard techniques of Karate
Yon Dan (Black Belt)
Kihon 基本
 Examinee must have mastered all karate techniques, can understand their principles, apply them fully and be able to give general instruction. Questions will be asked in reference to a basic technique. This will normally be done at a dedicated training session before the physical examination.
Kata 型
 Students choice of any two advanced Shotokan Kata (above Bassai Dai) Bunkai demonstrations will be asked.
 Examiners choice of any two previous syllabus Kata including Junro Kata. Bunkai demonstrations will be asked.
Kumite 組手
 Demonstrate 3 favourite Kumite combinations and explain them. Slow speed then full speed and power
 Demonstrate 3 self-defence techniques and explain them. Slow speed, then full speed.
 Jiyu Kumite as directed by examiners
Examiners test for understanding and mastery of all Karate techniques; for an understanding of the philosophy of Karate; for an ability to apply these fundamentals and functional aspects in practice and for an ability to instruct
Go Dan (Black Belt)
 1500-2000 word thesis on any aspect of karate
 Student’s choice of any two Kata from the Dan grade syllabus - demonstration of Bunkai of selected Kata moves will be asked by the examiners
 Gyaku zuki Kata plus examiners choice of any additional two Kata from the Dan grade syllabus - demonstration of Bunkai of selected Kata moves will be asked by the examiners
 Demonstrate 3 favourite Kumite combinations and explain them to the panel – slow and fast speeds
 Demonstrate 3 self-defence techniques and explain them. Slow speed, then full speed.
 Jiyu Kumite as directed by examiners
Examiners test for high level mastery of Karate techniques and the ability to apply these in one’s own unique way
Roku Dan and above (Black Belt)
 Students choice of any two Kata from the Dan grade syllabus -Demonstration of applications of Kata moves will be asked by the examiners
 Examiners choice of any additional two Kata from the Dan grade syllabus - Demonstration of applications of Kata moves will be asked by the examiners
 Demonstration of Kata developed by the examinee, based on the core principles of Shotokan Karate.
 Question and Answer session; Research Dissertation (about Karate techniques)
Must demonstrate high level mastery of both the physical and mental aspects of Karate training
For 7th Dan, this must be a matured mastery.
For 8th Dan and above, this must be total mastery of the secrets of Karate and show an extraordinary level of spiritual development. These awards are also only on recommendation of the Riji Kai (Executive Board)